Saturday, July 2, 2011

2011 WEEK 26: Halfway there!

When I began this weekly exercise of taking pictures and/or video with my new camera and blogging about it I went into it with the best intentions. To be honest, I didn't expect to make it this far...

But here we are! Week 26! Halfway there folks! Phew...

Some weeks it's been a real challenge to find the time between work, life and ok, procrastination but know that I am still 100% committed to making it all the way to Week 52. Failure is not an option!

This week is more than a little sparse I'm afraid. I only managed to take ONE picture all week. Writing commitments on a feature screenplay and story consulting commitments on another feature screenplay pretty much filled the last seven days as did... a new website!

As of yesterday, I now have a dedicated web portal for all things relating to my writing, directing and story consulting work.

The above is my single picture for the week and is a picture I needed for the section on screenwriting. In case you're wondering, it's page one of a feature script I wrote some years ago called "The Cleansing". It's a horror story set in Bosnia during the Balkan conflict, very H.P. Lovecraft in tone. It's currently available for option if you feel like seeing that movie and I can make myself available to direct it if Spielberg or Uwe Boll are too busy :)

Next week I should be back on track with the photo project. In the meantime, do check out my website and let me know your thoughts.

The below photo was taken several months ago but seemed appropriate to all my Canadian friends enjoying the July 1st long weekend. Happy Canada Day eh!

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