Friday, August 5, 2011

2011 WEEK 30 & 31: On Safari Part III

During our safari adventure at the Greater Vancouver Zoo, there was one animal that stood head and shoulders above all the others - for more than one reason. He was so curious, so comical and so good at modeling for the camera, I felt he deserved to be the star of this final selection of pictures.

Look at those legs! They'd make a super model jealous!

This female ostrich did not appreciate her male companion so she turned her back on him... but he just laughed. How rude.

Shunned, he came to investigate us. "I'm ready for my close-up!"

Sometimes weird coincidences occur when one's finger presses the shutter release button on the camera. Sometimes one doesn't realize what we've got until we get home and see the photo in a larger format. Case in point, this next picture...

"Look out for that bug!"

Of all the birds I've had the pleasure to photograph during the course of my 2011 photographic adventure, I think this Ostrich is my new favourite model. Admittedly, he's odd and fascinating in all kinds of ways but my goodness, he has SO much personality! Looking at him straight on, he reminds me of a Wallace & Gromit character with the classic over-bite.

He doesn't have a single bad angle...

This final picture is slightly cropped to really bring out the close details. There's something about this guy that is so totally awesome and Punk-Rock. If he listened to music, The Sex Pistols would be most played on his iPod. His favourite movies would be Repo Man, Hard Core Logo and Tank Girl!

I hope you've enjoyed this week's wildlife adventure!

Until next time folks.

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